13 May 2011

静思晨语 - 2011年5月13日 - 47 - 打造清净大爱世界

Create a Pure World of Great Love



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Every day we talk about how to tame our minds. I believe you are all slowly grasping those methods. To tame our minds, we must constantly self-reflect. In all things we must constantly give rise to (Bodhi)-mind. Do not be attached to material things, be diligent in all matters, and be loving toward all people. For humans, and especially for practitioners, these are the basic principles.


We have discussed the Six Parameters. We can utilize the teachings of the Buddha to cross the currents of affliction and reach the state of the sages. These teaching are called the Six Perfections, also known as the Six Parameters.



Bringing all sentient beings happiness is called infinite Loving-Kindness. Saving all sentient beings from suffering is called infinite Compassion.



The joy of seeing others doing good deeds or being happy is called Infinite Joy.



Do not allow love or hatred to arise. View all sentient beings with a non-discriminating mind. This is called Infinite Equanimity.

除了六度以外,还要有四无量心。四无量心,无论是在慈济教育的团体中,或是在我们慈济大家活动的境界,我们都可以看到——慈、悲、喜、舍。 「慈悲喜舍」就是四无量心,慈无量、悲无量、喜无量、舍无量,叫做四无量心。

In addition to the Six Perfections, we also need the Four Immeasurable, or the Four Infinite Minds. Ink Tzu Chi's Mission of Education, or in Tzu Chi activities, we can witness loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. These are known as the Four Infinite Minds. Infinite Loving-kindness, Intimate Compassion, Infinite Joy and Infinite Equanimity comprise the Four Infinite Minds.



Great Loving-Kindness without regrets is to help everyone attain happiness with determination and perseverance. Regardless of difficulties, we won't have regrets.


We have already talked about how Great Loving-Kindness is without regrets. Bringing Happiness to everyone requires strong willpower and perseverance. Though working to benefit others is dovecot, if it brings everyone a better life, we will never regret our actions.


Do you remember the story I once told about the Buddha's practice in the Causal Ground? When the Buddha was still practicing, He was once a respected elder who tock good care of the suffering. He continually gave away his wealth and possessions. He even sold his property so he could help others.


His Great Loving-Kindness sent a shockwave through the Heavens, and a Heavenly Lord became tearful. This heavenly being was afraid that by giving with such infinite love this elder might accumulate enough blessings to be born in Heaven and perhaps take over his position.


Therefore he wanted to sabotage the Great Love this elder possessed. So, he sent another heavenly being to tell this elder, 'Your efforts in giving are very harmful to yourself.' 'Why are they harmful?' 'One day you will fall into Hell' 'Why is that?' 'Those people are suffering because they created bad karma in the past. They deserve to face retribution. This is cause and effect. It is what they deserve. When you save them, you are violating this law of cause and effect. That is why you will be sent to Hell.' 'Is that really true?' 'Yes I will take you to see.'


And indeed he saw many people sulfuring in Hell. This elder asked:' Are these people suffering because they were charitable?' 'Yes, they violated the laws of cause and effect so they were sent to Hell.'


This elder then asked the heavenly being, 'What about the people who were saved?' 'If those who now suffer in the world are helped and saved; where will they end up?' The being said'They will go to Heaven'


The elder was happy to hear this. It is worth it if I alone suffer in Hell while those I helped to go to Heaven. 'This is exactly what I hoped for. I am very happy and willing to do this' Even when others tried to shake his resolve; he remained unaffected and unwavering in his conviction. This is a mind with utmost sincerity.


Hearing this, the Heavenly Lord was deeply moved. He appeared in front of the elder and prostrated. He said, 'I feared that if you created so many blessings; you would come to Heaven and take my position. Now I know you do not want to come to Heaven. This elder said, 'I do not want to be in Heaven. My wish is to practice the Buddha-path. I hope to go directly from the state of ordinary people to the state of Buddha hood. I do not seek rebirth in Heaven.'


From this story we know that Great Loving-Kindness is without regrets. We will never have regrets. No matter what others say, as long as our direction is correct, we will have absolutely no regrets. Thus, Great Loving-Kindness is without regrets .



Great Compassion without complaint is to relieve everyone's suffering with an unwavering resolve. Regardless of difficulties, we have no complaints.


Great Compassion is without complaints. With compassion, we relieve suffering. Great Compassion is without complaints. Eliminating the suffering of sentient beings truly demands much energy and effort. It is truly an arduous task. And is everyone satisfied with the results? Not necessarily.


For example, to relieve people's sufferings, we built hospitals. The Mission of Medicine is very difficult. I will not rehash the process of constructing them. In each of our hospitals, whether the one in Hualien, Dalin, Guanshan or Yuli, we face tremendous pressure every day. ​​To save lives, every second counts.


Life is precious. In our present society, many people come to the hospital expecting their illness to be cured once they arrive. If something goes wrong, as it is said, 'Even the greatest doctor cannot cure the dead'


Things are very difficult for hospital personnel. Not only do they reface against time to save the lives of patients, they must also deal with the patients' relatives. In today's society, the biggest problems for medical institutions are complications and disputes, which are very common in Taiwan.


However a society cannot do without hospitals and medical care, because everyone is human and will fall ill. Sickness is a source of great suffering. Moreover, there is much impermanence in life. Accidents happen every day. ​​How can we be without medical facilities, without places that save lives?


So even though this is a thankless job and we are often wronged, we still have no complaints.


There was a Mr. Chang who lived in central Taiwan. He suffered from, liver disease for many years. His doctors recommended a liver transplant. Therefore, he signed up with major medical centers all over Taiwan in order to receive a liver transplant. One day, he received a call from hyaline Tzu Chi Medical Center saying, 'You have an opportunity to receive a transplant. Would you like to accept it?' He was happy to hear this. He immediately said, 'I am willing' He quickly packed and came here.


What about our medical team? After Dr. Li Ming-zhe contacted Mr. Chang about the transplant, he promptly fraveled to Taitung to personally remove the liver from a brain-dead patient, a Bodhisattva who was donating his organs. It was already quite late when he returned. The operating room was quickly prepared and by the time the patient came in, it was already after midnight. Including preparation time, the procedure lasted until 8 or 9 pm the next day. ​​After is was completed, the patient was sent to the intensive Care Unit. By the next day, they were able to remove the tubes from his body. By the fourth day, Mr. Chang was transferred out of the ICU. He recovered very quickly during that time.


Initially, Mr. Chang's mother was very worried. A liver transplant is a very serious operation. She packed many belongings to come look after him because she did not know how long she would have to stay. Unexpectedly, by the fourth day, her son was in a normal ward and could move about freely. The mother was very happy. She said, 'I will visit some tourists spots in Hualien and then go home to tell everyone the doctors, nurses and medical team including the volunteers, are so wonderful ' So the mother went home.


This patient Mr. Chang was only in his 40s. He worked in the public sector. He had responsibilities toward his society, his country, and his family that included his mother wife and children. He was still in his prime but had endured the pain of liver disease for years. We are grateful for the causes and conditions that relieve him of his illness and that there was someone in this world who was willing to donate his liver.


This is love. For many years we have been continually promoting organ donation and guiding the public to open their minds and realize we only have the right to use our bodies, no one have the right to own them. Thus, we should not be attached to them. Organ donation has become an established practice. There are those need transplants, those who are willing to donate organs, and the hard work of the medical personnel.


It took Dr. Li almost 7 hours round trip to travel from Hralien to Taitung to personally remove the liver. It was very difficult. Then he went into the operating room. By the time he left the operating room, the whole process had taken over 30 hours. We did not see or hear any of the personnel grumble about how hard it was or how exhausted they were. Every step of such a major surgery is extremely tinning. Yet this is their mission. They dedicate their lives to this. Hence , I often say that doctors dedicate themselves to the lives of the patients. They are indeed very precious. So I often call the physicians Great Healer Kings. They are like living Buddhas.


I am not just referring to the surgeons, but also the anesthetists, nurses, and the many assisting doctors surrounding them. They are a group of living Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. They are tireless in saving each life. When these living Buddhas and Bodhisattvas finish their task, they do not boast or seek fame. They do not complain about or belittle other staff. Not at all.


Is this not Great Compassion without complaints? They work very hard but they have no complaints. They focus on the treatment. When it is successful, they are happy. This makes it all worthwhile. They only hope to successfully restore the health of the individual and send the person back to society, to his family and duties. This is what the medical loam wants. It is that simple. Regardless of difficulties they have no complaints.


Even when the patient's family is being critical, they still have no complaints. They put in a lot of effort and endure great pressure and stress, but they still continue to devote themselves. When it comes to the medical team, I cannot sing their praises enough. They are truly living Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.


I am truly grateful that so many people are willing to use love kindness and compassion to create a pure and undefiled world filled with love. We hope to be more diligent and constantly move forward and promote this.


In summary, loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity are known as the Four infinite Minds. Infinite Loving-Kindness and Infinite Compassion are without regrets and complaints. Everyone please always be mindful.


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