02 October 2010

慈济大藏经 - 新加坡义诊中心为弱智学生看牙

24年首次看牙医 启智学生‘满口自信’迎向未来
【杨淑元(慈馡)/ 新加坡报导】

新加坡慈济义诊中心平日为本地低收入户、乐龄人士及外籍劳工免费看诊,9月26日这天,也迎来新加坡弱智人士福利促进会(The Movement for the intellectually Disabled of Singapore,简称MINDS)的13位学生,为他们补牙、洗牙、拔牙,并教导他们如何正确刷牙,照顾口腔健康。


◎ 退去恐惧绽露笑容





◎ 有你的支持,真好





◎ 虽有障碍,不孤单








◎ 自信迎向未来




克服犹豫踏出第一步 慈青活力感染启智学生
【许洈宾/ 新加坡报导】




◎ 从陌生到熟悉





◎ 手语带动打破沟通障碍



慈青张佑平说,同学们有着一颗单纯的心,只要真心对待,对方就能感受到其中诚意。一个握手、一个Hi 5、一个微笑就能拉近距离。他还期待下次有类似活动时,慈青可以在手语带动的时候把手语动作尽量简化,以便能让同学们一起参与。


Where Fears Subsides and Smiles Surfaces
Translated by Sim Lit Wee

Tzu Chi Free Clinic (Singapore) has been providing medical services to the poor, the elderly and foreign workers on a regular basis. On 26 September, the clinic welcomed 13 young beneficiaries from The Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS) and provided them with dental checks and treatment.

In order to keep the beneficiaries entertained during the long wait, the doctors and volunteers have came prepared with a line-up of magic performances and games, injecting joy and laughter into the atmosphere.

Where fears subsides and smiles surfaces

Dental visits are usually conditioned with fear, an emotion which was also apparent on the beneficiaries’ faces on their bus journey to the Tzu Chi Free Clinic. However, upon arrival at the clinic, the warm welcoming cheers from the volunteers, as well as the adorable and attractive soft toys on the medical team’s hat and scarf gradually drew all their attention away.

The supposing “scary dental visit” was turned into a cheerful playground as the Tzu Chi volunteers occupied the beneficiaries with a line-up of magic shows, colouring activities, card-making, sign-language sign-along and balloon sculpturing. Although the beneficiaries may not have understood the magic tricks, their fidgeting hands may not have allowed them to colour within the lines, nor could they follow the rhythms during the “sign-along” session, they were still very much supported by the volunteers who were generous in giving encouragements.

As the joyful events carried on in the waiting area, efforts for doctors and volunteers in the dental room were also ongoing. It was not easy to get the beneficiaries to cooperate for oral checks. Despite numerous comforting and cajoling, there were times where the volunteers had to keep the beneficiaries still by holding their hands and legs tight or distract them with improvised playthings.

“It is quite a challenge for us. We needed twice as long of the usual time for each session. That’s why we could only schedule for 13 beneficiaries to come today”, said Dr Tang Kok Weng, the dentist coordinator, with a smile.

Great to have your support

“Getting Zi Bin to the dentist is really painstaking. The last time he went to a dentist, he couldn’t even lie still. In the end we had to give him an anesthesia jab to let him sleep throughout the procedure, and let him had seven to eight tooth extraction at one go,” said Zi Bin’s mum Mdm Zheng Ling Feng as she recalled the experience.

Zi Bin’s was still laughing away as the volunteers brought him into the dental room. But the minute he saw the dentist, the change in his facial expression was obvious; the boy started to look uneasy and a sense of distrust started to emerge. It was only after some jokes and persuasion that the teen finally opened his mouth, but he struggled each time when the dental equipments went near him. The scaling procedure was only able to be completed with the help from about six volunteers to hold him still and comfort him.

When she saw Zi Bin walking out of the dental room with smiling and showing off his clean, white teeth, Mdm Zheng was finally relieved.

“It has been almost 10 years since his last dental visit. I can see Zi Bin is very happy today. All thanks to all of you. It’s great to know that there are still such kind hearted people like all of you out there. I really feel very happy and comforted having to receive your love and support,” said Mdm Zheng with tear in her eyes.

Less than perfect, but not alone

With her mother by her side, this is the first in her lifetime Zeng Yun Yun had ever sat on a dental chair. Anxiety was unavoidable.

24-year-old Yun Yun is the third child of Mdm Wu Yu Qin. She was diagnosed with intellectual disability not long after birth. Though upset and disheartened, Mdm Wu soon brought herself to accept the reality and eventually learnt how to tend to Yun Yun.

Although Yun Yun was not born smart, she is a sweet and understanding child, and led an interesting life too. Yun Yun shares a close bond with her mother. Apart from the usual life skill training, her mum also enrolled her for various talent courses. Yun Yun is an expert in bowls. She had even represented the Singapore Bowls Team in the Shanghai Special Olympics Games in 2007.

Born with congenital heart disease, Yun Yun had her first major operation when she was only 13 months old. The doctors advised that Yun Yun has to be extra cautious if she were to see a dentist. The advice stalled Mdm Wu in bringing Yun Yun for a dental check up all these years.

“The doctor told me that she has to take antibiotics before having a dental check up. I just felt it was really troublesome and I was scared, that’s why I did not dare to bring her to a dentist, and I didn’t know what’s her oral condition is like,” Mdm Wu said helplessly.

After a thorough check up, the dentist found out that Yun Yun has two cavities that needs to be extracted. The dental team then spent an hour scaling, applying anesthesia and extracting the two decayed teeth. An appointment was also made for Yun Yun to return for dental visits. Although still drowsy due to the effects of the anesthesia, Yun Yun walked out from her first dental visit in 24 years with gratitude. With the cotton padding still in her mouth, the adorable Yun Yun used her free hands to sign “thank you” to the volunteers.

With her daughter in good hands, Mdm Wu was very grateful and appreciative towards the care given by the dental team. “You guys are unbelievably kind! From the minute we got off the bus, we were greeted welcoming smiles. You not only provided dental services for the kids, but also prepared interesting programmes to keep them occupied and happy! This is really unbelievable! I hope I’ll have the chance to join as a volunteer one day and help others!”

Looking ahead with confidence

The coordinator of MINDS weekend project, Li Huijing, observed the whole dental session and sensed the joy and relief amongst the parents and beneficiaries. “Today’s activity has benefited both our beneficiaries and their parents. The beneficiaries are mostly unable to take care of their oral health. Some of them even face difficulties brushing teeth on their own, and often, they only see the dentist in the event of a toothache.

“While coming to the dentist, it is usually hard to appease their fears. Sometimes even the dentist and their parents can’t do much either. But today, there’s so many volunteers helping around, which was really wonderful! Besides, dental care in Singapore is pretty expensive and most low income family find problems affording these expenses. Tzu Chi Free Clinic has really provided a great help to our beneficiaries.”

Dr Tang Kok Weng said, “Even normal people would fret going to the dentist, let alone these beneficiaries. That’s why we planned games and even asked the dentists to put on some animal toys so that they can be at ease. Also, when conversing with them, we tried to use a more child-like tone and gave them lots of encouragements and praises. Hopefully we could keep tending to the oral needs of these beneficiaries in the near future.”

With the professionalism and compassion of the dental team as well as the Tzu Chi volunteers, it is the hope of all that all of the beneficiaries will have an ideal oral health as well as a fit body. Let us bless them with that and hope that they would brave their future with courage and confidence.

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