13 April 2011

静思晨语 - 2011年4月13日 – 25 – 法譬如水:业田中的种子

Seeds in the Field of Karma

早上这个境界,一大早的天气,不冷不热,觉得天地万物好像十分妥协,这是多么美的境界。我们学佛,也是要学得「静寂清澄」的心境。 「静寂清澄」如清晨,就像一大早这样的境界,我们能感觉到这种大地万物的协调,这不就是我们所要追求的吗?




























Early in the morning, the temperature is not too cold or too hot. It feels as if everything in the world is in perfect harmony. These conditions are so wonderful. We learn Buddhism so we can learn to develop a pure and tranquil state of mind. We want to be as pure and tranquil as dawn, like the sense of universal harmony we feel early this morning. Isn't this the state we seek?

Our bodies continue to metabolize grow and age. This is the nature of a body. But our minds, our intrinsic natures, should not change. They neither grow old nor change with time. Whether we are young or old, we have the same intrinsic nature, the pure Buddha-nature within.

The Ten Evils will proliferate, into the 84,000 types of defilements, resulting in the rise of immeasurable.

"Human nature is innately good." We all know this saying. But lately, I have been talking about afflictions and bad habits we have accumulated and carried over from many past lifetimes. Moreover, in this lifetime, we continue to accumulate, layer by layer, even more afflictions. This is the trouble of human life. As our karmic force continues to grow, we continually suffer from the retributions.

The text indicates as we mentioned before, "The Ten Evils proliferate into 84,000 types of defilements." Yesterday I said that 84,000 symbolize a immeasurable number. This number is used to represent a large amount.

With every arising and changing thought, afflictions change accordingly; they grow and accumulate. Once afflictions arise in the mind, we accumulate wrongdoings and defilements through action and speech.

Our thoughts, our afflictions, can change in less than a second. Thoughts change very quickly. So with each passing second, with every thought, our afflictions are growing and changing. Once affliction arises in our minds, we create bad karma though our thoughts, words and actions. Thus we begin to accumulate wrongdoings and defilements, both knowingly and unknowingly.

Because there are 84,000 types of defilements, "there are immeasurable types of wrongdoings." Wrongdoings can take many forms, far more than 84,000. There are immeasurable wrongdoings.

As I have said, an intentional offense is a transgression; an unintentional offense is a mistake. Who knows know many wrongs we have committed intentionally or in bad faith? As for the number of unintentional mistakes, that must be incalculable. So there are immeasurable types of wrongdoings.

In general, they can be classified into three main categories: first is affliction, second is karma, and third is retribution.

"They are classified into three main categories." There are countless, boundless wrongdoings. If we try to distinguish them, they are indeed so many. But they can all be traced to three major sources.

All these wrongdoings and defilements originate from three sources. The text states: "They can be classified into three: First is affliction, second is karma and third is retribution."

They can be classified into three: first is affliction, second is karma and third is retribution.

There are countless types of wrongdoings. But these three things cause us to accumulate them and continuously produce afflictions. I have been talking a lot about afflictions. They arise from greed, anger and ignorance. Afflictions alone can be broken down into 3 types. Let us start with greed. The world is full of temptations that lure us closer to the abyss of evil and wrongdoings. We easily fall into those traps.

For instance many war-torn countries have buried landmines everywhere. Our volunteer in Jordan, Mr. Chen, worked with the Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization. Together they drove 19 trucks full of relief goods from Jordan into Iraq.

In Iraq they saw signs of devastation everywhere. During the 24 hour drive, they saw many vehicles damaged by explosives. Most of them were buses. There was wreckage everywhere. Each bus was big enough to carry dozens of people. From the charred shells of the buses, we can imagine how many lives were lost. This was caused by bombs dropped from the air during the war. Who knows how many lives were lost. They saw buildings reduced to rubble. Not one wall was left standing. No building was left intact. It was a heart-wrenching scene.

They also saw a helpless mother on a sickbed. She was caring for her two children but could only watch as they wailed in pain. They seemed to be hanging on by a thread. She felt so helpless and powerless. Her two children were not injured by missiles or bullets. They were playing and accidentally stepped on an unexploded bomb. It exploded and seriously injured both children. That was why the mother felt so helpless. They could dodge bombs dropped from the sky, but could not avoid an unexploded bomb. We can imagine the life of this poor mother and her two children.

Bombs should not be lying on the ground. Their society could have been very peaceful, with neat rows of houses and countless happy families. Life in Iraq should be like this. But humans are greedy so they invaded the country, and caused large-scale, national tragedies. There was complete devastation and unspeakable suffering. This was caused by desire.

Because of greed, anger and ignorance, afflictions arise in our minds and we commit, countless, boundless types of wrongdoings.

Greed, anger and ignorance will often lead to such heartbreaks and unspeakable suffering. These are afflictions. This is affliction on a large scale. On the smaller scale, as we each deal with people, matters, the environment family, society, etc. each day, we are also caught up in afflictions. So we emit troubling signals and manifest appearances of confusion. This is all due to afflictions.

The second is “karma”. Karma is truly frightening. It is like a field, so it is also called the Field of Karma. Karma can bring pain or joy. In the Field of Karma, good and bad seeds are intermixed. If we plant good seeds, they will continuously create blessings. Once we create blessings, the seeds will remain in that field. In Buddhism, it is called "Storehouse Consciousness".

When we commit wrongdoings, we plant bad seeds. There are both good and bad seeds in this field. When we do good deeds, they are stored here. When we do bad seeds, they are also stored here. With cravings, greed, anger, ignorance and delusion, we will create karma and those seeds will be placed in our Storehouse Consciousness. Then we will reap their fruits.

In the Earth Treasury Sutra, it is written, "Whether we do good or evil, we reap the fruit." They go into the Storehouse Consciousness and become karmic forces. Like a real field once we plant a seed, it will stay in this field. When causes and conditions meet, this power will manifest.

Many people say that we are born to suffer. Not necessarily. We come to this world to create blessings. Do not be passive and say "I came to this world to face retributions." Do not think this way. No matter what karma brings, we should "willingly accept what we happily did". We committed wrongdoings in the past and could not break our bad habits. Now that we finally have the wonderful affinity to meet good people who can help us change our bad habits, we should seize this opportunity.

Do not think "I have already changed my ways, why do bad things still happen to me?" We should remind ourselves, "Fortunately, I have changed, and I have opportunities to create blessings. I now know and clearly understand the evils I committed in the past. So I willingly accept the retributions."

I often say "Happily accept what we willingly do.” When we willingly do good, we create blessings. We are willing to extend unconditional love to all suffering sentient beings. Besides loving our families and ourselves, we need to extend our love to the entire society, and love everyone in the world.

Loving ourselves and our families already takes a lot of effort. It is even more tedious to love and care for everyone in the world. But if we are very willing to do so, this hard work will feel like a blessing. Tzu Chi volunteers who work hard and are fatigued will not say they are tired. Instead, they say they are "blessed". Indeed, it is a blessing. Everyone, this is called willingness. The Chinese characters for this are "sweet" and "voluntary", so it is something we happily do.

No matter how tired we feel, we are willing to endure it. Thus we are blessed. Everyone, everything can change when the mind changes. The mind alone creates everything. Thus, we must always take care of our minds. In our daily living, we must keep our minds as pure and tranquil as the dawn. Do not allow worries and complicated matters to obscure your hearts.

So please always be mindful.


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